 Introduction to Academic Writing
 担当教員:RYAN, Steve
 開講学年:2年,3年,4年  開講学期:後期  単位数:2単位  開講形態:演習
 開講対象:  科目区分: 
The basics of English academic writing
This course will introduce the basics of English academic writing. The course has five goals:
1. learn a structured approach to writing
2. help students understand the writing process
3. give practice in developing paragraphs to form longer papers
4. learning how to reference
5. learn how to form an essay using thesis statement, support paragraphs
6. transitioning from paragraph to essay
By the end of the course, learners will understand the organization of the English academic paper and how to put together coherent paragraphs to form a longer essay paper.

The course will cover the following areas:

1. Grammar and mechanics: punctuation, capitalization etc
2. Complex sentences using restrictive/nonrestrictive clauses
3. Organization/brainstorming/outlining
4. Compound sentences (and, but, or, so)
5. Describing/space--time-order paragraphs
6. Grammar: adjectives, prepositional phrases
7. Three parts of the paragraph: topic, supporting, concluding sentences
8. Transition signal words: However, on the other hand, etc
9. Using independent and dependent clauses
10. Referencing

At first, students will use the textbooks exercises to build their writing skills. Skills such as brainstorming, outlining and using transition signal words will be practiced. Then, students will be given short paper assignments of various topics in order to practice using these skills. Finally, more formal longer papers, such as opinion essays, will also given so students can fully develop their critical thinking and writing skills while applying newly acquired writing skills.
第1回 Course Introduction
第2回:Unit 1 What is a paragraph?
第3回:Unit 1 In-class assignment #1
第4回:Unit 3 Writing an Opinion Paragraph / grammar drills
第5回:Unit 3 Sentence drills/ In-Class assignment #2
第6 回:Unit 4 Writing Problem-Solution Paragraph/drills
第7回:Unit 4 Brainstorm, Outline, practice In-Class assignment #3
第8回:Unit 5 Writing a Cause-Effect Paragraph
第9回:Unit 5 Transition signal words, Rough draft writing, Essay paper #1
第10回:Unit 6 What is an Essay: Thesis Statement practice/Correcting paper #1
第11回:Unit 7 Writing an outline / Textbook drills / Write Rough draft
第12回:Unit 12 Comparison Essay / Grammar structure practice
第13回:Unit 12 How to reference / Essay Paper #2
第14回:Correcting Errors / Re-writing Paper #2
第15回:Unit 14 Classification Essay / Final Essay



Papers will be graded both from a GRAMMATICAL point of view (e.g. spelling, grammar, proper formatting, complex sentences use, (non)restrictive clause use etc), and for CONTENT (quality of writing, use of transition signals, writing style, clarity of expression, perceived effort, logic, ability to apply what is learned in class to your final paper).

Essay papers: 70% (600-1,000 words)
Short papers : 30% (300-500 words)

@ Students who fail to attend 2/3 of the total number of classes will get an automatic score of “0”
@ Late papers will be penalized or not accepted.

to be announced

The content of this course corresponds approximately with a TOEIC Score of 450-550.
Bring a dictionary. Laptop computers are also acceptable in class. Some papers will require you to use a word processor.
Tuesdays 2:45-4:00 or email for appointment
