 Practical English I
 担当教員:ミラー ジェリー (MILLER, Jerry)
 開講学年:2年,3年,4年  開講学期:前期  単位数:2単位  開講形態:演習
 開講対象:  科目区分: 
Daily Conversation
This course will develop a sound English foundation for future study.
Students will build strategic competence in conversation. Students will master everyday colloquial expressions.


Students will work in pairs and groups practicing and revising skills each week. Every four weeks will be a review of what we've learned.
1. Orientation
2. Rejoinders
3. Follow-up Questions
4. Clarifications
5. Keeping the Conversation Going
6. Interrupting
7. Midterm
8. Echoing
9. Finding the Right Word
10. Starting/Stopping Conversations
11. Phone Calls
12. Expressing Opinions
13. Student Choice
14. Review
15. Final

Students will be responsible for individual, pair, and group work.
Students should read through the units, check vocabulary, and complete written exercises before coming to class.
To improve your overall English ability read as many Graded Readers (third floor, university library, Call number around 837.7) as you can throughout the semester.

Please take an active role in class. Part of your grade is based on class preparedness.
Quizzes (25%) Oral Tests (50%) Homework/Class Participation (25%)

テキスト:David Kehe, Peggy Dustin Kehe, Conversation Strategies, (Pro Lingua Associates) 2000.
A good electronic dictionary with English to English capability.
