 English teaching material analysis A
 担当教員:冨田 かおる(TOMITA Kaoru)
 開講学年:2年,3年,4年  開講学期:後期  単位数:2単位  開講形態:講義
 開講対象:  科目区分: 
This class studies and discusses issues on English Education.
The classroom time will be spent in reading textbooks.

The goal of this course is to enable each student to find a topic for writing a final report.

The classroom time will be also spent in discussing selected topics.
1. Guidance
2. Trends of psycholinguistics
3. Acquisition of phonetic and phonological issues I
4. Acquisition of phonetic and phonological issues II
5. Acquisition of vocabularies I
6. Acquisition of vocabularies II
7. Understanding sentences and structures I
8. Understanding sentences and structures II
9. Understanding usages I
10. Understanding usages II
11. Language acquisition I
12. Language acquisition II
13. Teaching I
14. Teaching II
15. Review and examination

Each student must participate in every class activities.
Each student is expected to read materials beforehand.
Each student is encouraged to review materials.

Grades come from an oral presentation and a final examination that check students' expressions, interests, knowledge and understanding of issues about English education.
Oral presentation: 50%
A final examination: 50%

Nishihara, T. et al. Psycholinguistics: Collaboration of Language Study and Education, Asakura Books, 2017

Monday from 13:30 to 14:30 at Tomita's office
