 Communicative English(speaking)(English1)
 担当教員:ポール・ウイリアム・プライス(Paul William Price)
 開講学年:1年  開講学期:後期  単位数:1単位  開講形態:演習
 開講対象:システム創成工学科  科目区分:基盤共通教育科目・必修 
In this class, students will develop their overall communicative ability functions with emphasis on speaking and listening. In addition to speaking and listening, writing will be included to develop overall skill.

Student improvement of basic skills and vocabulary necessary to advance in their future careers.

The entire class will be in English only. If students have questions or comments, they must only use English.

I will start every class with three listening exercises. Then we will proceed to speaking exercises. Finally, an essay must be written and I will check/correct each essay at the end of the class.

I will have intensive listening, speaking, and writing exercises in every class.
I will explain in greater detail the first class.
2.From weeks 2 to 14 students will receive intensive speaking and listening exercises.
3.Class wrap-up.

I fully expect student attendance and lively participation every week. In the first class I will discuss in greater detail my policies regarding passing and failing.
Practice speaking, listening, reading and writing every chance you get.

Students must do their absolute best in every class. I will discuss this in detail in the first class.
Grades will be determined by ability, effort, attitude and attendance. I will evaluate every student in these areas in every class. I will discuss my grading policy in more detail the first class.

There is no textbook for this class. I will provide all materials.

Have fun, learn and enjoy this class!
If students need to reach me, please contact my office in Yamagata City, ninepointnineenglish.com
