 English B
 担当教員:有馬 ボシール アハンマド (Bashir Ahmmad ARIMA)
 開講学年:2年  開講学期:後期  単位数:2単位  開講形態:講義
 開講対象:バイオ化学工学科・電気電子工学科  科目区分:専門基礎科目・選択必修 
English B – English for Science and Engineering. In this class we will learn basic scientific vocabulary as well as practicing English through activities.

The goal of this class is to learn some basic scientific vocabulary as well as to improve your confidence in using English.

English for science and engineering, English communication

This course corresponds to study objective (D) for students of Biochemical Engineering and study objective (C) for students of Electrical Engineering.

The main focus of this class is to learn useful scientific vocabulary. This is the Faculty of Engineering, so we will focus on keywords useful for your future in science and engineering. Besides learning new vocabulary, we will read texts, watch short movies and do various activities to improve your English skills in general.
At the beginning of the semester, there will be a general orientation in which you can choose the English course you wish to take. There are 3 different courses for English B: Basic Skills, English for Communication, and English for Science and Engineering. Please note that for some majors, not all courses are available. This syllabus is for English for Science and Engineering.
In English for Science and Engineering, a heavy focus will be on scientific vocabulary, reading scientific texts and watching scientific short movies. Additionally, there will be a variety of interesting activities to improve you conversational English skills and vocabulary range. The main goal is to raise your confidence in using English as well as improve your vocabulary.
There will be a short vocabulary quiz once every two weeks and a writing assignment due every week without a vocabulary quiz. In addition, you are expected to prepare for the TOEIC held in December on your own time. TOEIC will not be the main focus of this class.

You are expected to actively participate in class each week, complete homework assignments, and take the TOEIC in December. There will be a final exam at the end of the semester.
You are expected to study for vocabulary quizzes and complete writing assignments for homework each week. In addition to the homework assigned in class, you are encouraged to study for the TOEIC as much as possible on your own time.

Your score on the TOEIC will count for 30% of your grade. The rest of your grade will be evaluated based on class participation, homework, vocabulary quizzes, and a final exam.
Grades will be calculated based on the following criteria:
Class participation: 30 pts.
TOEIC-IP Score: 30 pts.
Vocabulary quizzes: 10 pts.
Homework: Writing assignments: 10 pts.
Final exam: 20 pts.

Textbooks will be announced at the general orientation.

Learning English can be fun! If you really want to improve your English skills, you should try using it in your daily life – watch movies in English, read books in English or just try to talk to your friends in English sometimes. You can also join the English activities at the Faculty of Engineering International Center such as English Lunch Chat, Movie Night, and Board Game Night. Studying English can be fun, let’s try some fun ways to improve your English in this class!
Every Friday 13:00 - 15:00 or by appointment.
