 General English(English1)
 担当教員:PEPPARD Jason(PEPPARD Jason)
 開講学年:1年  開講学期:後期  単位数:1単位  開講形態:演習
 開講対象:  科目区分: 
English (G) places an emphasis on English reading comprehension. In addition, a student’s overall practical English abilities will be developed.

Students at this level can comprehend passages about society, culture and lifestyle written with common English vocabulary. Using basic words and phrases, students can generally express their opinions clearly in writing.

大学での学修や研究および社会生活において必要とされる英語の,実践的な基礎力を養成する。(English II (Intermediate))

Students will do various reading related activities individually, and in pairs and groups. The focus will be on improving reading speed, including skimming and scanning skills, and comprehension strategies.
The reading topics will rotate between newspaper reports of current events, biographies, and short stories.

Please come to class prepared and on time.
Make sure to use the online ALC Net Academy in your own time to help you prepare for the TOEIC IP test.

Grades will be determined based on the criteria below.
TOEIC 20%, Midterm evaluation 25%, Final evaluation 25%, Quizzes and Homework 10%, Class participation 20%.

*Attending a minimum of 2/3 of classes is mandatory and those who fail to do so will be given 0 points for the course.

There is no required textbook for this class, but a good electronic dictionary is highly recommended.

This is a practical reading course with a focus on developing various reading skills.
Monday and Wednesday 16:20 to 17:50
