 General English (English 1)
 担当教員:Gloag, Douglas (Gloag, Douglas)
 開講学年:1年  開講学期:後期  単位数:1単位  開講形態:演習
 開講対象:  科目区分: 
English (G) places an emphasis on English reading comprehension. In addition, a student's overall practical English abilities will be developed. A range of topics and 'real' vocabulary will be introduced to help students achieve this purpose.

Students at this level can comprehend passages about society, culture and lifestyle written with common English vocabulary. Using basic words and phrases, students can generally express their opinions clearly in writing.

English, reading, comprehension, vocabulary

大学での学修や研究および社会生活において必要とされる英語の,実践的な基礎力を養成する。英語 II(中級)

Basic classroom methodology will be used to read and learn about a topic over two classes. Four exercises for each topic will be completed: vocabulary, text reading, written opinion exchange, and a basic crossword. Students will work in pairs which will change throughout the course. This is a very practical English reading course so students will be expected to talk about and discuss what has been read. Be ready to give and write some sentences about your opinion on the topics being read.
Some of the topics that might be chosen include:
1. Sports.
2. Crime & Punishment.
3. Environment.
4. Fashion.

Don’t be late. Be prepared to discuss ideas with others and write short sentences about discussions for other students to read.
Websites and further learning strategies will be explained during the first class. Some homework assignments will be given.

Grades will be assessed on the scores of the individual points below. TOEIC scores are decided by the Institute of Arts and Sciences. Basic reading and preparation is required for the speed reading and the main test. Basic writing skills are required for the written homework. Basic language skills are required for the translation.
TOEIC: 20%; Test: 20%; Speed Reading 4% (x8) = 32%; Written homework: 5% (x4) = 20%;
Translation: 8%

*students missing 1/3 of classes will automatically receive a final score of ‘0’.

There is no set text for the course. Materials will be provided.

This is a practical reading course requiring students to take an active part.
Thursday 16:20 - 17:50
