 General English (English1)
 担当教員:冨田 かおる(TOMITA Kaoru)
 開講学年:1年  開講学期:後期  単位数:1単位  開講形態:演習
 開講対象:  科目区分: 
English (G) places an emphasis on English reading comprehension. In addition, a student’s overall practical English abilities will be developed. This class studies articles of Hokkaido: Nature and Culture.

Students at this level can comprehend passages about society, culture and lifestyle written with common English vocabulary. Using basic words and phrases, students can generally express their opinions clearly in writing.


The classroom time will be spent in activities, such as reading passages, watching and listening to related news and vocabulary exercises.
1. Guidance
2. Studying an article on Where is it from?
3. Studying an article on Wow, Wide Streets!
4. Studying an article on Kotan-Kor-Kamuy
5. Studying an article on Salmon, Bears and Primeval Forests
6. Studying an article on Feasts on the Drift Ice
7. Studying an article on Travel Diary
8. Studying an article on Kushiro Wetlands and Tancho
9. Studying an article on Letter from Dad
10. Studying an article on Yume-Pirika
11. Studying an article on Dancing! Dancing! Dancing!
12. Studying an article on Romantic Otaru
13. Studying an article on The Ainu People
14. Oral presentation
15. Review and Examination

Each student must participate in every class activities.
Each student is expected to prepare for a weekly quiz. There will be a frequent review of meaning of vocabulary taught in classes.
Each student is encouraged to review materials.

Grades come from a final exam that checks students' overall communicative abilities.
TOEIC (20%), final exam result (80%)

Koyamauchi Takeshi, Hokkaido: Nature and Culture, Sanyusha Publishing Company, 2013.

Each student is encouraged to use monolingual English dictionaries.
Monday 13:30 – 14:30 (Tomita’s office)
