Basic English Skills A(英語2)
 Basic English Skills A(English 2)
 担当教員:龍田 茂登子 (TATSUTA Motoko)
 開講学年:2年  開講学期:前期  単位数:2単位  開講形態:講義
 開講対象:情報・エレクトロニクス学科  科目区分:基盤共通教育科目・選択必修 
In Basic English A, you will focus on improving your English grammar, vocabulary, reading and listening skills in preparation for the TOEIC.

The goal of this class is for you to improve your English reading and listening skills and at the same time improve your score on the TOEIC.

Reading and Listening English. TOEIC practice

This course corresponds to study objective (B,C,D) for students of Department of informatics and Electronics.

Classes will be taught in lecture style. You will practice reading and listening English as well as work on TOEIC practice.
The first class will consist of an orientation.
In Basic English A, you will improve your English Grammar and vocabulary through various exercises and practice for the TOEIC. There will be a short vocabulary quiz each week. TOEIC practice exercises will also be assigned for homework each week. TOEIC is one of the main focuses of this class and you are required to take the TOEIC in July. There will also be a final exam at the end of the semester.

You are expected to actively participate in class each week and prepare for the TOEIC in July. Also, you are expected to learn vocabulary by grappling with download sound source or Lingua Porta attached to you textbook.
You are expected to study and prepare for vocabulary quizzes each week.
In addition, you will be assigned to practice TOEIC for every week.

Your grade will be evaluated based on class participation, homework, vocabulary quizzes, TOEIC score, and a final exam.
Grades will be calculated in the following fashion:
Class participation: 20 pts.
TOEIC-IP score: 30 pts.
Vocabulary quizzes: 15 pts.
Homework: 15 pts.
Final exam: 20 pts.

蘒 寛美 他 An Amazing Approach to the TOEIC L&R Test (成美堂)

To improve your English, it is important for you to keep studying and practicing English every day even outside the classroom by using media such as DVD films, TV dramas, news, Cell phone’s app. and so on.
Let’s get started learning real English. Forward, together!
By appointment only.
If you have questions, you are supposed to ask immediately after the class.
