English through Multimedia(英語2)
 English through Multimedia(English2)
 担当教員:Matthew Joseph Zisk
 開講学年:2年,3年,4年  開講学期:後期  単位数:2単位  開講形態:講義
 開講対象:工学部  科目区分:基盤共通教育科目 
In English through Multimedia, you will improve your English communication skills through playing board games, watching and talking about movies, and writing essays.

The goal of this class is for you to improve your English communication (in particular, speaking and writing) skills.

English communication, discussion skills, creative writing

It is mandatory to attend at least one English class during your second year at the University. Additional classes are on a voluntary basis. You can choose between Basic Skills, English Communication Skills, English for Science and Engineering, and English through Multimedia.

Classes will be focused around group work activities such as playing board games and watching movies and discussing the content with your classmates. There will also be creative writing assignments from time to time.
The first class will consist of an orientation in which you choose the English class that you wish to take. The English classes for the Fall semester are: Basic English B, English Communication Skills B, English for Science and Engineering B, and English through Multimedia. A TOEIC score of approximately 400 points or higher is recommended (but not required) for attending this class.
In English through Multimedia, you will improve your English communication skills through various group work activities based around multimedia (board games, movies, video games, reading and creative writing). Each week you will be given an activity to complete with your classmates and graded on your performance. You will also be required to make group presentations from time to time. For example, your group may be tasked with introducing the rules for a new board game or creating or short play in English. The goal of this class is to try and use English as much as possible in everyday scenarios to improve your communication skills.
There will be a short vocabulary quiz once every two weeks and a writing assignment related to class activities due every week without a vocabulary quiz. There will also be a final report. TOEIC is not a focus or requirement of this class.

You are expected to actively participate in class each week and complete homework assignments. This includes making presentations and speaking in class.
You are expected to study for vocabulary quizzes and complete English writing assignments once every two weeks in alteration.

Your grade will be evaluated based on class participation, homework, vocabulary quizzes, and a final exam.
Grades will be calculated in the following fashion:
Class participation: 30 pts.
Vocabulary quizzes: 20 pts.
Homework: 20 pts.
Final report: 30 pts.

『連想式にみるみる身につく語源で英単語 増補改訂版』(学研教育出版)ISBN: 978-4053042606

It is impossible to learn English only from going to class and reading your textbook. If you truly want to learn English, you must spend time every day using English. I suggest that you try to read and listen to English every day and try to keep a daily journal in English. Try joining English learning activities at the Faculty of Engineering International Center such as English Lunch Chat, Movie Night, and Board Game Night. Do your best to make learning English as fun as possible so that you will not give up easily!
Every Friday from 14:00 to 16:00 or by appointment.
