 English (C)
 担当教員:CONAWAY Patrick(CONAWAY Patrick)
 開講学年:1年  開講学期:前期  単位数:1単位  開講形態:演習
 開講対象:  科目区分: 
(OBJECTIVES): English (C) aims to help students to improve basic communication skills such as listening, discussion and written composition.
By the end of course, students will improve communication skills and vocabulary, enabling efficient communication and providing them with the ability to deal with a wide range of topics. Specifically, they should be able to:
     Listening: understand everyday conversation without undue effort.
     Speaking: describe clearly a wide range of subjects referring in the main to personal
        experiences; express agreement or disagreement in an everyday discussion.
     Writing: write sentences of a reasonable length about their environment.

大学での学修や研究および社会生活において必要とされる英語の,実践的な基礎力を養成する。(基盤教育の基本方針より)(English III (Advanced))

Final project 30%
Journal 20%
Quizzes 15%
Group work 15%
Most text chapters will be covered over two classes and students will be expected to do individual, pair and group work throughout the course.

This course uses a discussion skill-based course book, other classroom activities and materials as well as online discussion forums and group work to help develop skill communicating in English, especially through speaking and writing.
Students will be informed of each week’s theme by at least the prior class period. Students should proactively prepare for each class beforehand by reviewing class materials and communicating with the teacher and classmates in the online learning area.

Scores for assignments and quizzes will be determined throughout the semester, with the final grade being tabulated using the percentages listed in 成績評価基準.
Final project 30%
Journal 20%
Quizzes 15%
Group work 15%
Attending a minimum of 2/3 of class is mandatory and those who fail to do so will be given 0 points for the course.

Discussion Process and Principles
Charles LeBeau and David Harrington
Language Solutions Incorporated
ISBN: 9781929274772

Being skillful in using a foreign language can add a new level of enjoyment to almost any pursuit, from research and job-hunting to reading overseas news about Japanese athletes and online shopping. Developing your skill in English requires practice, the same as any other skill like sports or music.
Let’s use this course as an opportunity to develop your English skills both for your future and enjoyment.
Discussion is a skill
Students can contact the instructor in English or Japanese through the online learning system if they have any concerns or difficulties.
