 English (R)
 担当教員:SOMERS Lisa A.(SOMERS Lisa A.)
 開講学年:1年  開講学期:前期  単位数:1単位  開講形態:演習
 開講対象:  科目区分: 
English (R) aims to help students improve their reading skills.
By the end of course, students will improve basic skills and vocabulary necessary for parsing with accuracy and efficiency logical sentences on a range of topics. They should be able to understand with a good degree of accuracy sentences containing common vocabulary and whose content covers familiar matters such as society, culture and the sciences. They should be able to understand straightforward factual sentences on subjects related to their field of study and personal interests with a satisfactory level of comprehension. In addition, they should be able to identify the main conclusions in clearly signalled argumentative texts.

大学での学修や研究および社会生活において必要とされる英語の,実践的な基礎力を養成する。(基盤教育の基本方針より)(English III (Advanced))

In this class, students will be encouraged to read for a purpose. They will read a variety of authentic texts as they engage in tasks that include responding to directions, searching for solutions, grouping related content and visuals, and extracting important information. They will focus on reading strategies including predicting, skimming/scanning, and re-reading for better understanding, while also concentrating on vocabulary development and making effective use of dictionaries. Depending upon the task, students will work individually, in pairs, or in small groups.
Students will spend the first few weeks of the class working on basic reading strategies such as understanding directions, considering vocabulary in context, skimming and scanning, and reading for information, and will then move on to tasks that require them to use a combination of reading strategies. A final exam will be given in Week 14 and returned the final week.

Excellent attendance is important for success in this class.
Reading materials will sometimes be provided in advance. In this case, thorough preparation will allow students to get the most out of the upcoming class.

Grades will be based upon class assignments, quizzes, a final exam, and TOEIC results.
Class assignments and quizzes: 50%
Final exam: 30%
TOEIC: 20%
*Attending a minimum of 2/3 of classes is mandatory and those who fail to do so will be given 0 points for the course.

This class will not use a textbook. Reading materials will be provided by the instructor.

Students should feel free to approach the instructor with any questions they may have.
