 English (C)
 担当教員:Mark IRWIN
 開講学年:1年  開講学期:後期  単位数:1単位  開講形態:演習
 開講対象:  科目区分: 
English (C) aims to help students to improve basic communication skills such as listening, conversation and written composition.
By the end of course, students will improve communication skills and vocabulary, enabling efficient communication and providing them with the ability to deal with a wide range of topics. Specifically, they should be able to:
Listening: understand everyday conversation without undue effort.
Speaking: describe clearly a wide range of subjects referring in the main to personal experiences; express agreement or disagreement in an everyday discussion.
Writing: write sentences of a reasonable length about their environment.
English communication

大学での学修や研究および社会生活において必要とされる英語の,実践的な基礎力を養成する。(基盤教育の基本方針より)(English III (Advanced))

The course contains a variety of structured activities including: Find Someone Who… (class-based speaking and listening); listening comprehensions; dictations; pronunciation drilling; an 8-week group survey project, beginning in the second half of the course; a variety of pairwork activities.
Topics will include family & hometown, university & school life, sports & games, food & drink, vacations.

Come to class prepared and on time.

Attending a minimum of 2/3 of classes is obligatory. Failure to do so will result in automatic failure.
Dictations: 35%
Group Project: 35%
Participation in Class: 10%
TOEIC Test: 20%

Materials will be provided by the instructor, but students should have access to a computer in order to print out downloadable files. A good dictionary will be necessary.

