 English Composition (advanced)
 担当教員:Steve RYAN
 担当教員の実務経験の内容(有の場合):*numerous published academic works
 開講学年:2年,3年,4年  開講学期:後期  単位数:2単位  開講形態:演習
 開講対象:  科目区分: 
This course will introduce the basics of English academic writing. By the end of the course, learners will understand the organization of the English academic paper and how to put together paragraphs to form a coherent longer paper.

The course has the following goals:
a) structured approach to writing
b) help students understand the writing process
c) give practice in specific sentence structure
d) develop students’ grammar and writing organization skills
e) learn how to form a paragraph using topic and supporting sentences
f) how to write a 5 point essay with references
g) improve writing under time pressure for exams

academic writing , English composition, paper

This course will enable the student to gain a high level of competence in English, including the ability to express ideas fluently.

At first, students will use the textbook grammar drills to build their writing skills. Skills such as brainstorming, outlining and using transition signal words correctly will be practiced. Next, students will be given short paper assignments to practice these skills. Finally, longer more formal papers, such as opinion essays, will be assigned to students can apply critical thinking and research skills.
Week 1: Course introduction
Weeks 2: The writing process / grammar drills
Weeks 3 - 5 paragraph development / short writing assignment
Weeks 6-9 grammar exercises/ from paragraph to essay
Weeks 10 - 14 proper use of transition signal words / outlining / longer essay assignments, referencing
Week 15 Final Essay assignment

Advice: Students should rewrite rough drafts at least twice before turning in final version and then correct all mistakes after papers are returned for maximum improvement.
Students will need a dictionary/thesaurus every class.

Your grade will be based on the following criteria:
a) class participation
b) acquisition of knowledge
c) level of comprehension
d) level of overall skills (e.g. logical thinking, writing)
Grading categories:

Papers (essay) 70% (typed on computer, A4, cover page)
Short assignments 20%
Homework 10% (e.g. vocabulary worksheets, paper corrections)

@ Papers will be graded from both a grammatical point of view and for content.
@ Students who fail to attend at least 2/3 of the total number of classes will automatically get a score of “0

None. Materials will be provided.

laptops for writing and researching topics are acceptable in class
Thurs 10:40-11:45 during semester or by appointment
