 Study Abroad Communication Skills
 担当教員:GLOAG Douglas(GLOAG Douglas)
 担当教員の実務経験の内容(有の場合):Years of student support will help new students in their desire to study abroad.
 開講学年:2年,3年,4年  開講学期:後期  単位数:2単位  開講形態:演習
 開講対象:  科目区分: 
This course is a continuation from the previous course of the same name and further helps prepare the student for study abroad.

By the end of the course students will have more confidence in their spoken language and better conversations skills to help their transition when living in a foreign country. The student should have more of an idea of what goals they want to achieve while studying abroad.

English communication, study abroad, active learning


This course is designed to encourage students to study abroad and to gain international perspectives and experiences through overseas living. This course will also enable the student to gain a high level of competence in English, including the ability to express ideas fluently.


Basic classroom methodology will be used to create a natural English-speaking environment in class for 90 minutes. Examples and new vocabulary will be given but the onus will be on the student to communicate in English within their group or pair. Building fluency is the main aim of each class. A textbook will be followed but won't be the only teaching resource. There will be many discussions for the student to participate in.
The course will proceed as follows:

1. General basics - talking about Japan (text)
2. Study abroad - problems and thoughts (discussion)
3. University guides + presentation
4. Listening activities

Students are expected to be planning to study abroad and attend all classes. Thus, students must participate in class regularly since every absence will have a negative effect on the student’s final grade. Be on time and be prepared to make conversation and ask questions if there’s any uncertainty. The level of this course corresponds approximately to a TOEIC score of 450-600.
Use this course as a chance to improve your English skills. Tell me what skills you'd like more practice in. An estimated amount of time to be spent on preparation and review of each lesson will be 1 hour a week.

Active participation in conversations is a basic requirement. Preparation for discussions is also expected. Presentations should be practiced thoroughly before actual delivery. Grading is based on (a) participation in class (b) acquisition of knowledge (c) level of comprehension (d) level of general skills (logical thinking, writing, etc.)
Talking about yourself 25% (5 x 5%), Presentations 30% (3 x 10%),
University presentation 15%, Short Tests 30% (10 x 3%)

*students missing 1/3 of classes will not receive a passing grade.

Door To Door, Greg Minehane: Perceptia Press.
Additional study materials will be announced during the course.

This is a practical conversation course requiring students to take an active part.
Mondays to Fridays, 12:00-13:00. Meetings outside office hours can be arranged by contacting me beforehand.
