 English Communication (Advanced)
 担当教員:Mark IRWIN
 開講学年:2年,3年,4年  開講学期:前期  単位数:2単位  開講形態:演習
 開講対象:  科目区分: 
This course is aimed at students who are serious about improving the level of their spoken English. The focus is on current affairs and thus is especially suitable for those students who feel they will require a good working knowledge of English in their future career. Although the atmosphere is relaxed, you must be willing to speak out and express your opinions and ideas in front of the rest of the class.

You will be able to express your opinions and ideas with confidence in front of other people.

English, speaking, communication


This course will enable the student to gain a high level of competence in English, including the ability to express ideas fluently.


Each week, we will practice English via group partner interaction. Be prepared to express your opinions and talk to other students.
1: Orientation
2 - 14: Course content will include numerous group and class discussions, listening practice, vocabulary learning, writing and pronunciation practice. In order that students taking this class for a second time have the minimum of repeat content, the exact curriculum will be decided after orientation.
15: Coursce summary & final examination

In the main, active participation in class is required. If you are unable, or unwilling, to express your opinion, this class is not for you.
Make every effort to study by yourself during the week, focusing especially on listening and speaking. Use YouTube and visit the Kojirakawa Campus International Lounge, where you can chat with English native speaker students.

Students will be graded based on their participation in class, and the ability to express to a high degree their opinions and ideas in front of other people. 2/3 attendance mandatory.
End of term examination: 50%
Participation in class: 50%

Materials will be supplied by the instructor. Bring a good dictionary to class.

TOEIC 500点以上の英語力が望ましい。
担当教員の専門分野: 言語学
Monday 10.30 - 12.00 or by appointment.
