 English Communication (advanced)
 担当教員:Steve RYAN
 開講学年:2年,3年,4年  開講学期:後期  単位数:2単位  開講形態:演習
 開講対象:  科目区分: 
The goal of this course is for students to understand Japanese communication culture through the study of Intercultural Communication. The field of Intercultural Communication (IC) focuses on how culture affects the communication process.

The specific goals of the course will be the following:
a) to understand how and why our communication norms differ among national cultures
b) to gain a basic understanding of IC theories through the readings/discussion
c) a better understanding of the merits and demerits of our own cultural norms
d) to recognize stereotyping and cultural biases
e) to develop a greater sensitivity to cultural differences and acceptance of differences
f) to use English as a tool for learning and communication

English, communication, intercultural, cross-culture


This course will enable the student to gain a high level of competence in English, including the ability to express ideas fluently.

The class will consist of the following parts.
1) Lecture : students will listen and take notes
2)Discussion: students will be expected to actively discuss the content of lecture
3)Group work: students will be given assignments to prepare in pairs or group
4)Summary paper (written in English)
5)Presentations relating to lecture topic
Example Class schedule and topics to be covered in the semester:
(1) Class introduction
(2) What is culture? Why study it?
(3-5) Cultural models of understanding
(6-9) IC theory (e.g. high-low power distance, high-low context, time orientations)
(10) Japanese/English communication norms
(11-12) Student project presentations
(13-14) cross-cultural conversation analysis

Readings, in-class discussions, oral presentations, written papers
Advice: Don't be a passive learner who only listens, sits in the back and afraid to say your opinion. Students should to try to be active learners by asking questions and interacting with the teacher and classmates to promote discussion.

Grading shall be based on:

a) class participation
b) acquisition of knowledge
c) level of comprehension
d) level of overall skills (e.g. critical thinking, writing)
Grading will be based on the following criteria:

Class participation: 20%
Project/Presentations 40%
Essay Exams: 40%

* Students who fail to attend at least 2/3 of the class will receive 0 for a final score.

Students will be asked to listen and participate, write short papers and give presentations in English.

None. Various handouts will be provided.

This course is taught entirely in English. Students are expected to have an advanced level of English ability and a high motivation to engage in classroom discussion.
Thurs 10:40-11:45 during semester or by appointment
