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Student Reports on Short-Term Japan Stay Program

Sep 29, 2017

Student reports on the short-term Japan stay program conducted from Jul 31 to Aug 14 2017 have arrived.  The following are excerpts. Please see the attached file for details.

Paula Villanueva - PUCP

I was most impressed by the visits to well-known Japanese companies. Since I study industrial engineering, I had had lectures in my country about the kaizen methodology and lean manufacturing techniques, but when we visited these factories, I saw all these concepts actually being implemented, and it gave me lots of ideas for my thesis topic.

Gustavo Arista - PUCP

What I learned the most from while in Japan were the lectures on the Yonezawa campus.  On open campus day, we were introduced to Bioluminescence and organic materials.  The research on 3D printing and organic materials was breathtaking.

Maliera Emperatrís - UNMSM

At Yamagata University, I learned about cooperation between universities, companies and communities. It was one of the lessons that had the most impact on me, and I consider it to be one of the main reasons for the development of Japan.

Moises Ortega - UNALM

My group of Latin American friends and I first visited Yamagata City. We had been told before that this city was in the countryside of Japan, so I expected to see only rural villages with small houses, huge agricultural areas and very few people. I could not have been any more wrong.

Steffi Usquiano - UMSA

I’d say the best of Japan can be summarized in three words: mindfulness of others. In Japan people act with others in mind instead of only thinking of themselves.

Araceli Flores - UMSA

When I arrived in Tsuruoka, I was able to see how garbage is treated in Japan. I saw that garbage is separated not only at the plant but by all people. Everyone has the habit of recycling garbage.

Constanza Galaz - UT

I was most impressed by the development of OLED. In Chile, it can be seen on some supermarket TVs, and it was fantastic to see the multiple ways it is used in Japan.

Robert Aduviri – PUCP

For instance, I would like to further research about the use of Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research in disaster response decision support systems, which I believe will not only be helpful for Peru, but for the rest of the world.

Jerson Sanchez - UNI

I could see how these techniques not only made the processes more efficient but also how they were also focused in the comfort of workers.

Gonzalo Rojas – UT

In a far future, I want to apply for a postgraduate scholarship on Japan or a work there to learn more about that beautiful country and I think that can help me to grow more as person.