Home > Research > Research Highlights > Medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy > Improving Cancer Treatment through Wide-Area Medical Networking with IT Technologies
date: 2017.06.15
The Faculty of Medicine of Yamagata University is now working on the future opening of the heavy ion radiotherapy facility attached to University Hospital, and also creating the wide-area cancer radiation treatment network for making the efficient use of high accuracy radiation therapy machinery in Tohoku region. To establish the system that enable treatment consultation and case conference for the patients of far hospitals that do not have the treatment machinery, the network is utilizing the remote conference system and connecting 59 hospitals in total; the six university hospitals in Tohoku region and their cooperating hospitals, the Research Center Hospital for Charged Particle Therapy (in Chiba Prefecture), and the Southern Tohoku Proton Therapy Center (in Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture). It was a burden for cancer patients in Tohoku region, where is big in size with low population density, to travel all the way to far hospital only for consultation. By facilitating and operating this network, it becomes possible for patients to have treatment consultation with less cost, time and burden. This unprecedented wide-area canter treatment network will surely bring the great merit for cancer patients in Tohoku.
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