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Tuition and Fees

At Yamagata University, there are no separate tuition rates set for domestic, international, resident or non-residents. Students pay the same amount of tuition fees and one-time application and admission fees shown below, according to their student admission status. Incoming exchange students enrolled under the student exchange agreement are usually exempted from tuition and fees, which is subject to terms and conditions of each exchange agreement. Fees for language training, however, may be charged also depending on each agreement. For more information about exchange programs, please check with your study abroad coordinator at the home institution.


StatusApplication feeAdmission feeTuition
Regular students JPY17,000 282,000 535,800/yr
Transfer students 30,000 282,000 535,800/yr
Special auditing students n/a n/a 14,800/cr
Non-degree study students 9,800 28,200 14,800/cr
Research students 9,800 84,600 29,700/m


StatusApplication feeAdmission feeTuition
Regular students JPY30,000 282,000 535,800/yr
Special auditing students n/a n/a 14,800/cr
Non-degree study students 9,800 28,200 14,800/cr
Research students 9,800 84,600 29,700/m
Special research students n/a n/a 29,700/m