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Work study

There are a few opportunities for enrolled students to engage in part-time work on campus as student tutors, administrative assistants, teaching assistants and research assistants. Study abroad students must obtain permission(shikakugai katsudo) from the immigration office before starting to work. For further information on the work permit at YU, please contact staff in the respective academic department. Students can also participate in volunteer work such as local school visitations or community events.

Student Tutors

The purpose of placing paid student tutors is to help international students with academic or language support. Both domestic and international students with superior target language skills can apply. For more information, contact the staff in your department.

Administrative Assistants

We started hiring students as administrative assistants in 2009 to give them the opportunity to learn about work in general as well as to support their study at YU. Wages range from 850 yen/hr for an undergarduate student to 900 - 1,000yen/hr for master's and doctoral students. Please contact your academic department for more information.

Teaching Assistants

Those enrolled full-time in graduate programs at YU are eligible to apply. Contact your academic department for information about current openings.

Research Assistants

Contact your academic department about eligibility.

Off-campus work

Job descriptions are available for reference at a student service office at each YU campus below.

Kojirakawa Campus

Student Services
Department of Kojirakwa Campus Services

Iida Campus

Academic and Student Services
Administrative Affairs Department

Yonezawa Campus

Student Services
Office of Administrative Affairs

Tsuruoka Campus

Academic and Student Affairs
Office of Administrative Affairs