Diploma and Curriculum Policies of the Faculty of Agriculture
Diploma Policy
The Faculty of Agriculture not only gives segmentalized knowledge and skills concerning increasingly complex, multifaceted and massive agriculture-related issues like food shortage, resources exhaustion, environmental disruption and global warming, but also develops people with comprehensive judgment and a good sense of balance who can understand many-sided issues on food, life and the environment that are part of agricultural sciences in a broad sense.
Specifically, the faculty grants a bachelor's degree in agriculture to students who have acquired the following abilities as well as expertise and skills prescribed by each course:
- Comprehensive judgment and a sense of balance concerning food, life and environmental sciences
- A keen interest in and a spirit of inquiry about food, life and environmental sciences
- Deep insights into and perspectives of various problems related to food, life and environmental sciences and the ability to solve them on their own
Curriculum Policy
In line with its diploma policy, the Faculty of Agriculture includes foundation education for the cultivation of wide culture and subjects common throughout the Department of Food, Life and Environmental Sciences in its curriculum that takes into account the following points:
- For a comprehensive and wide knowledge of food, life and environmental sciences, the faculty offers basic specialty subjects to students before they join their respective courses. After they join courses, it also provides subjects common throughout the department and electives for each course for education in wide areas.
- In order to develop students equipped with strong curiosity and a keen inquisitive spirit, the ability to solve problems on their own with a deep insight and outlook, and comprehensive judgment, the curriculum effectively mixes lectures, experiments, practices and seminars. The faculty also provides career subjects and practices off campus and abroad to allow students to use the results of their study in their social and professional lives.
- Specialty subjects are offered in line with the curriculum policy of each course for the cultivation of expertise and skills.
Safe and Reliable Agricultural Production Course
Diploma Policy
A bachelor's degree in agriculture is conferred on students who have acquired the following abilities concerning the building of scientific theories and practical skills of safe and cyclical agricultural and stock farming production:
- Knowledge of basic sciences and basic skills necessary for safe agricultural and stock farming production and the ability to apply them
- Expertise of agricultural and stock farming production and the ability to apply it for problem solving and research and development
- The ability to think logically and convey own thinking to others (descriptive, presentation and discussion skills)
- The ability to systematically tackle and finish a task under given conditions
- The ability to fully understand the environmental characteristics of regions and developing countries and fulfill the needs of local communities from a broad perspective
Curriculum Policy
In line with its diploma policy, the Safe and Reliable Agricultural Production Course teaches the following specialty subjects:
- Basic sciences and basic skills needed for safe agricultural and stockbreeding production
- Subjects designed to cultivate knowledge concerning expertise on safe agricultural and stockbreeding production and skills to apply it to problem solving and research and development
- Subjects for the development of the ability to think logically and communication skills to convey own thinking (descriptive, presentation and discussion skills)
- Subjects to foster the ability to systematically carry out and complete work under given conditions
- Subjects to develop the ability to know well the environmental characteristics of communities and developing countries and solve the needs of a community with a comprehensive perspective
Management of Food, Agriculture and Environment Course
Diploma Policy
The course confers a bachelor's degree in agriculture on students who have the following abilities and skills after studying farm management that makes environmental protection and economic growth compatible, methods to develop related industries, ways to revitalize communities and a social system that pays attention to the safety of food and environmental conservation through both aspects of theories and hands-on learning:
- The ability to study the development of sustainable farming and community revitalization multilaterally, understanding the actual situations of food, agriculture, farming villages and the environment through fieldwork
- A basic knowledge of the environment, food problems and management theories and the ability to apply it in wide areas
- The ability to plan and execute creative research on their own
- The ability to logically think and discuss and skills for effective presentations
Curriculum Policy
In line with its diploma policy, the Management of Food, Agriculture and Environment Course provides the following specialty subjects:
- Subjects designed to enable students to understand the actual situations of food, agriculture, farming villages and the environment through fieldwork and consider in a multifaceted manner the development of sustainable farming and measures to vitalize the community
- Basic subjects concerning the environment, food problems and management theories
- Subjects to apply the basic knowledge of the environment, food problems and management theories
- Subjects intended to allow students to acquire the ability to make plans on their own and execute creative study
- Subjects to cultivate the ability to think and discuss logically and effective presentation skills
Food and Applied Life Sciences Course
Diploma Policy
The course awards a bachelor's degree in agriculture to students who have obtained the following knowledge, abilities and skills by acquiring a wide, basic knowledge of various themes of health sciences and biosciences through lectures, seminars, experiments and practices and cultivating expert skills and practical application skills through actual research activities:
- A basic knowledge of food and applied life sciences
- Basic information processing skills and English skills
- Basic skills of food and applied life sciences
- The abilities of research planning, execution and verification, scientific thinking and problem solving
- Expertise on food and applied life sciences
- Expert skills of instrumental analysis
- Manners befitting s member of society and ethics as a technician
- The ability to read and understand scholarly articles of own specialty field in English
- Skills of processing professional information
- Skills of scientific essay writing and presentations
Curriculum Policy
In line with its diploma policy, the Food and Applied Life Sciences Course offers the following specialty subjects:
- Basic subjects concerning food and applied life sciences
- Subjects for mastering basic information processing skills and English
- Subjects concerning the basic skills of food and applied life sciences
- Subjects for the acquisition of the abilities of research planning, execution and verification, scientific thinking and problem solving
- Specialty subjects on food and applied life sciences
- Subjects for mastering expertise on instrumental analysis
- Subjects for the acquisition of manners as members of society and ethics as engineers
- Subjects to enable students to read and understand specialty papers in English
- Professional information processing subjects
- Subjects for mastering skills of scientific paper writing and presentation
Plant and Bioresource Sciences Course
Diploma Policy
The course awards a bachelor's degree in agriculture to students who have studied a wide range of disciplines including organic chemistry, biochemistry, genetic engineering, statistics, genetics, thremmatology, physiology and dietetics, acquired the ability to actively find various problems and flexibly address them, can conduct evolving laboratory work and fieldwork and are equipped with the following abilities and skills:
- Knowledge of a wide range of disciplines, such as crops, plant resources and untapped microbe resources, and expertise to study them
- International sensibility and language ability
- Research planning and presentations and other abilities required of researchers and technicians
Curriculum Policy
In line with its diploma policy, the Plant and Bioresource Sciences Course teaches the following specialty subjects:
- Subjects concerning farm produce, plant resources and untapped microbe resources
- Subjects for the acquisition of expertise for research on farm produce, plant resources and untapped microbe resources
- Subjects like scientific English reading and English seminars for the acquisition of international sensitivity
- Subjects to foster awareness and the way of thinking as researchers and engineers, such as research planning and presentation seminars
Forest Science Course
Diploma Policy
A bachelor's degree in agriculture is given to students who have comprehensively studied subjects from natural sciences to social sciences concerning various problems surrounding forests through practical outdoor work and indoor experiments, practices and seminars and are equipped with the following abilities to face specific issues of communities and deeply understand and solve problems arising in the relationship between nature and human society:
- A basic knowledge of forest and environmental resources and the ability to continue studying voluntarily
- The ability to think in a multilateral and multilayered manner, understanding the actual conditions of forests, forestry, the forest product industry and society
- The ability to unearth problems of nature and society of the community on the basis of basic knowledge acquired
- A sophisticated ability to gather information on unearthed problems
- Specific skills of field and indoor surveys, experiments and analysis
- The ability to objectively analyze the results of surveys and experiments, logical thinking and skills of presentation and academic essay writing to convey analysis results
- The ability to assert own thinking through discussions on the basis of facts and results
- The ability to systematically pursue and finish own work under given conditions
Curriculum Policy
In line with its diploma policy, the Forest Science Course offers the following specialty subjects:
- Basic subjects on forestry and environmental resources for the acquisition of the ability to study voluntarily and continuously
- Subjects for the understanding of the actual situations of forests, forestry, forest product industry and society, and multifaceted and multilayered thinking
- Subjects designed for the acquisition of the ability to unearth problems of the region’s nature and society on the basis of basic knowledge obtained
- Subjects to foster advanced skills to gather information on the unearthed problems
- Subjects for learning specific skills such as field and indoor surveys and experiments and analysis methods
- Subjects concerning objective analysis of the results of surveys and experiments, logical consideration based on the analysis, presentation and paper writing to convey it
- Subjects for the development of the ability to present own thinking in discussions on the basis of facts and study results
- Subjects for acquiring the ability to systematically carry out and finish work under given conditions
Environmental Science and Technology for Water and Land Use Course
Diploma Policy
The course confers a bachelor's degree in agriculture on students who have acquired the following abilities in order to master ways and means of preserving and building nature and the social environment of farming and mountain villages by studying the interrelationship between life forms and the natural environment and between human beings and the social environment on the basis of water and land sciences and skills to create farmland and secure water and maintain and manage them:
- The ability to understand the actual situations of agriculture and the community through fieldwork conducted nearby and global-scale agricultural and environmental problems in a multifaceted manner
- Design methods for agricultural water facilities and farmland and the ability to understand the impact of infrastructure improvement on the environment and study ways to conserve the environment
- The ability to consider sustainable farming and the future of farming and mountain villages
- The ability and techniques to objectively analyze the results of surveys and experiments and logically study them
- The ability to present and discuss own thoughts on the basis of facts and research results
- The ability to systematically do and finish a job under given conditions
Curriculum Policy
In line with its diploma policy, the Environment Science and Technology for Water and Land Use Course teaches the following specialty subjects:
- Subjects for understanding the actual situations of farming and the community through fieldwork done nearby and multilateral understanding of global-scale agricultural and environmental problems
- Subjects for the acquisition of design methods for agricultural water facilities and farmland as well as the ability to understand the impact of infrastructure improvement on the environment and consider environmental protection measures
- Subjects that enable students to obtain the ability to study sustainable agriculture and the future of farming and mountain villages
- Subjects for the development of the ability and skills to objectively analyze the results of surveys and experiments and logically consider the results
- Subjects for the cultivation of the ability to present own thinking and discuss it on the basis of facts and study results
- Subjects for acquiring the ability to systematically carry out and finish work under given conditions