Diploma and Curriculum Policies of the Faculty of Education, Art and Science
Diploma Policy
Under Yamagata University's diploma policy, the Faculty of Education, Art and Science imparts expertise to students to enable them to contribute to conveying, nurturing and developing local community culture. It confers a bachelor's degree on students who have developed practical skills to solve problems and comprehensive judgement, and acquired knowledge, abilities and attitude matching each course's human resource development policy.
Curriculum Policy
The faculty compiles the curriculum of each course as follows in line with Yamagata University's curriculum policy:
- Students receive general education primarily in their first year.
- Each course has two or more programs suitable for fields students are expected to enter after graduation.
- Each program consists of the Core Program, for the acquisition of common and fundamental knowledge and skills, and the Advanced Program designed to further enhance expertise.
- Subjects break down into four categories—Central Subjects, Basic Subjects, Specialty Subjects and Evolving Subjects—and are arranged for systematic and step-by-step learning.
- The Central Subjects of the Core Program draw from a variety of fields in order to promote culture multilateral and structural study of various aspects of human culture. In addition, a group of field projects are offered to make practical use of knowledge being obtained through unique educational experiences in society.